We decided that there was no need to wait until the end of May to award the first grant, particularly as one of the projects had an April start date. So, we are awarding the first grant immediately and will award another at the end of May.

Eco-Warriors Club
The Eco-Warriors Club is a new initiative of the Friends of the Royal Saskatchewan Museum.
It is a club for kids ages 9-12 and will run every second Sunday from April 29 to June 24. The program combines field trips (e.g. the compost facilities at the RCMP Training Depot) with speakers (e.g. from the Burrowing Owl Interpretive Centre).
We really liked the hands-on approach and the fact that they were supporting sustainability by using public transit for all their field trips. There’s also a really good mix of program topics.
The Eco-Warriors Club will eventually be self supporting as are their other programs, but it’s difficult to get full participation (and full fees) in the first year of a new venture. We’re delighted to be of assistance and will publish a report of the Club’s activities on EcoFriendly Sask in July.
Saskatchewan Cares
We are delighted to learn of small environmental initiatives all over the province. Do continue to send in your applications as we will be awarding EcoFriendly Action Grants on a monthly basis. Tell us who you are and what you hope to achieve. Tell us what you need and provide us with some financial information (other sources of funding, etc.). We look forward to hearing from you.