Friday, 18 May 2012
EcoFriendly Action Grants - May 2012
Wow! We received 11 applications for EcoFriendly Action Grants this past month. It’s great to know that so many individuals and groups are actively trying to make a difference by protecting and promoting the environment.
Eleven applications meant we had to make some tough choices. Fortunately, there were a few grants that were not time sensitive so we’ve put them to one side and will review them again next month. We also decided to provide partial funding to some of the applicants in order to support a greater number of worthwhile projects.
Do continue to send in your applications as we will be awarding EcoFriendly Action Grants on a monthly basis.
Listed below are the organizations that will receive the EcoFriendly Action Grants for May, 2012:
Saskatoon Nature Society - $500 towards the expense of offering tours of the Northeast Swale at Swale of a Day on June 10. Saskatoon residents are justifiably proud of the trails and parks along the river. Let’s make it our goal to add the Swale to our repertoire of urban nature preserves, protecting the plants and animals for future generations to enjoy.
Craik Eco-Village / Delila Jahn-True - $250 to support Delila’s participation in the World Environment Day activities at Craik on June 5. Delila will read from her book, Advice between Kingdoms – How the Hays moved Trash Mountain and organize some games to demonstrate how easy it can be to recycle waste.
Emmanuel Village Community Garden - $250 to assist with the cost of planting fruit trees and bringing in compost to extend the size of the garden. This will help to meet the demand for garden plots in one of Saskatoon’s newest community gardens.
Meadow Lake Junior Forest Wardens – $250 to assist with the costs of an annual clean-up at Pagan Lake. It’s a bigger job than usual this year due to last summer’s windstorms, which caused major damage. They’ll also install new signs, groom the trails, and build and install bird and bat boxes.
See also:
EcoFriendly Action Grants
Eco-Warriors Club Receives First EcoFriendly Action Grant