Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Discover Uganda, Share Gardening Expertise

Francis Baita, an AgroEcology student in Kasese, Uganda, has established a garden and is training 13 students in the basics of urban farming, with the help of an EcoFriendly Action Grant.

Watch My Garden Grow
Francis updates us regularly on his progress (Financial Support for Spin Farming, Setting Up the Garden Plot). He wrote to us this week to say that the young people are getting skills, the vegetables are growing well, and the drip irrigation system is quite good.

Francis has divided his garden into four plots: one with drip irrigation and a second that is hand watered with watering cans. The third and fourth plots are reserved for vertical gardens and square foot boxes that will be developed in March and April.

Help Me 
Francis is very eager to receive on-site training and mentoring from an experienced Canadian gardener. He will provide simple meals and accommodation in his home. In return, the volunteer gardener would receive an up-close look at everyday life in Uganda. You would have to pay your own airfare, but it would be so much more valuable than simply visiting the country as a tourist.

If you are interested in helping Francis with his garden, email EcoFriendly Sask, and we’ll provide you with additional information.